Nothing is yet confirmed. Or hardly ... One thing is certain, all indications are that Kiss fans won't all have to take a bath crowd to witness the legendary band's show. Some, even many, will see it live from their living room.
Contacted by phone, Pierre Marchand, Head of Archambault and Distribution Sélect Group, has not denied the rumor. Instead: "Negotiations for a partnership with the Gillett Entertainment Group to broadcast the show live on the specialized channels are indeed underway. This is the best option for the fans. In the convenience of their homes, they wouldn't have to dive into the crowd, nor turn themselves to the giant screens to see their favorite band in close-up."
The Bell Center in your living room?
Obviously, Bell Center's takeover by Quebecor would simplify things, he says. Until then, if the negotiations with the Gillett Entertainment Group are going well, the Kiss concert may not be the only one to be broadcasted on TV. He adds: "It would be part of a series of shows this partnership would allow us to distribute straightaway."